Tom Hardy’s Venom

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                                          Lets Review Marvel’s latest addition Venom


Over the course of years, Marvel has taken out some amazing movies, ranging from Avengers, Thor, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, Hulk, Doctor Strange and Spider Man, to name a few but their latest addition                                 Venom has come out and what a action filled thriller it is!


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The Initial Release Date: October 5th, 2018

Directed By: Ruben Fleishcer

Budget: $100-116 million

Box Office: $543.7 million

Production: Marvel Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, Pascal Pictures, Tencent Pictures

IMDB Rating: 7/10











Venom is still currently showing in almost all Golden Screen Cinemas if you reside in                                                Malaysia and it is worth a watch for sure.


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The Plot:

Journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is trying to take down Carlton Drake, the notorious and brilliant founder of the Life Foundation. While investigating one of the Drake’s Experiments, Eddie’s body merges with the alien Venom, leaving him with superhuman strength and power. Twisted, dark and fueled by rage, Venom tries to control the new and dangerous abilities that Eddie finds so intoxicating.


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The Camera Effects and Detailed Action Scenes

Mostly when a very high graphic action scene takes place, the video is slowed down to show the detail, every little thing that is moving, breaking, exploding and of course the dodges and blocks, but unlike any previous Marvel Cinematic, the action packed scenes never slow down but they are still highly detailed, you don’t miss a thing, specially the road scene picture pasted above, it is 15 min of fast driving, vehicles exploding a never before scene bike stunt using Venom’s special abilities to keep his host alive! These 15 minutes made my heart racy and gave me goosebumps all over my body! as soon as this scene ends, the alien being emerges in full taking over Tom Hardy’s Body, take a look down below.

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                                        Different from other Superhero Movies:

In Venom, the reason for high grossing was the incredible special effects and a special story line. In most movies the aliens are killed as they are seen as a threat because they just want to wipe the human race! But its not that simple in Venom, as this alien was bought from outer space onto the earth by humans! Venom is the sort of organism that needs it host to be alive for it to live as well so killing the host would be killing it self, plus the alien organism can hear, see, smell and feed of what the host eats and knows what host is thinking and as shown by the movie instead of using its hosts for evil ways, Venom instead chooses to help Tom Hardy to fight using special abilities but there is a pact between them, to help each other on special conditions which would also full fill Venom’s wishes, which i would not ruin for you until you watch the movie yourself. Overall for me it is by far the best Superhero Action movie created by Marvel Studios by far and the comedy is just INSANE, i could not feel my stomach and jaw i was laughing out so hard and lastly the movie is not slow AT ALL, from minute 1 its action packed, emotional and thought provoking.

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I highly recommend everyone to go see it, there is just no way you wont enjoy the comedy, action and the amazing acting of Tom Hardy, nothing more has to be said than:

ITS A MARVEL PRODUCTION, Book your tickets!

Here is a link to the HD Trailer for Venom: